Our approach

At EVOLF, we are pioneering a bottom-up approach to synthetic biology, leveraging the latest advancements in AI and evolutionary principles. Our ambitious ten-year program aims to recreate the fundamental functionalities of life through a modular framework. By working from the ground up, we will design and integrate essential biological modules, gradually building complexity until we achieve life-like properties.

Each module represents a key aspect of cellular function, and through meticulous integration, we strive to bring these modules together to form a cohesive, living system. This innovative approach not only pushes the boundaries of science but also promises to unlock new insights into the very essence of life.

Work packages

The 6 interdisciplinary research projects within EVOLF

Each WP will be coordinated by two WP leaders.

Liedewij Laan &
Pieter Rein ten Wolde

Kristina Ganzinger & Sander Tans

Module integration

Sensing & communication

Technologies for AI-assisted evolution

Responsible innovation & ethics

Wilhelm Huck &
Kristin Grußmayer

Jeroen van den Hoven & Lotte Asveld

Homeostasis, growth & division

Synthetic genome

Nico Claassens &
Pascale Daran-Lapujade

Bert Poolman &
Marileen Dogterom

WP leaders:


Generous funding for the EVOLF consortium is provided by the Dutch Reseach Counsil (NWO) through the NWO Summit call. Summit grants are an initiative to secure the position of the Netherlands in world class research. In 2024, 5 consortia were awarded a Summit funding. For more information on these consortia; please check the following link: https://www.nwo.nl/en/news/from-quantum-to-climate-five-teams-of-top-scientists-receive-summit-grant