About Us

The EVOLF consortium of 31 scientist leaders with over a 100 PhD students and postdocs is unique worldwide in its top quality and high diversity. The team combines an exceptional breadth of expertise, ranging from natural sciences and engineering to ethics and responsible innovation. With two-thirds of the PIs being early/mid-career, EVOLF involves the next generation of top scientists to ensure a continued leading role of the Netherlands in the rapidly developing global field of synthetic cell research & technology.

Managed by the steering board:

Wilhelm Huck

Kristina Ganzinger

Jeroen van den Hoven

Gijsje Koenderink

Marileen Dogterom



Vice chair

Siewert- Jan Marrink

Meet our 31 leading scientists




Lotte Asveld

TU Delft

Ethics, safety by design, RRI

Marie-Eve Aubin-Tam

TU Delft

Biophysics & technology

Marianne Bauer

TU Delft

Theoretical biophysics

Greg Bokinsky

TU Delft

Synthetic biology, metabolism

Stan Brouns

TU Delft

Microbiology, CRISPR technology

Sabina Caneva

TU Delft

Nanotechnology, lab-on-chip

Nico Claassens

Wageningen University

Microbiology, synthetic biology

Pascale Daran-Lapujade

TU Delft

Genome engineering

Cees Dekker

TU Delft

Biophysics; genome, cell division

Marileen Dogterom

TU Delft

Cell biophysics

Thijs Ettema

Wageningen University

Microbial evolution

Kristina Ganzinger


Biophysics of cell signaling

Kristin Grußmayer

TU Delft

Super-res/smart microscopy, AI

Jeroen van den Hoven

TU Delft

Ethics, design for values, RRI

Matthias Heinemann

University of Groningen

Systems biology, metabolism

Wilhelm Huck

Radboud University

Systems chemistry, microfluids, AI

Timon Idema

TU Delft

Theoretical biophysics

Arjen Jakobi

TU Delft

Cryogenic electron microscopy

Julia Kamenz

University of Groningen

Cell biology of cell cycle control

Gijsje Koenderink

TU Delft

Biophysics, cell division & signaling

Liedewij Laan

TU Delft

Biophysics & evolution

Dimphna Meijer

TU Delft

Molecular neurobiology

Siewert Jan Marrink

University of Groningen

Computational chemistry, AI

John van der Oost

Wageningen University

Microbial & synthetic biology

Alexander van Oudenaarden

Hubrecht Institute

Single-cell omics

Bert Poolman

University of Groningen

Biochemistry, metabolism

Dirk Slotboom

University of Groningen

Biochemistry, metabolism

Sander Tans


Biophysics, signaling

Marvin Tanenbaum

Hubrecht Institute/ TU Delft

Cell biology, gene expression dynamics

Pieter Rein ten Wolde


Theoretical biophysics

Gijs Wuite

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Biophysics, genome replication, cell signaling

Celebrating our diverse team

Our team is proud of its diversity in gender, age, and expertise. We value the rich perspectives and innovative ideas this diversity brings, fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment.

Come join us!

View our current open positions. We regularly add multiple new positions, so keep an eye on our website.

International advisory board

  • Craig Venter, top-down minimal cells, Venter Institute, US

  • Petra Schwille, synthetic cell division, Max Planck, DE

  • Christine Jacobs-Wagner, microbial cell biology, Stanford, US

  • Kate Adamala, bottom-up synthetic cells, Minnesota, US

  • Erwin Frey, theory, Munich, DE

  • Eugene Koonin, evolution, NIH, US

  • Christophe Danelon, bottom-up synthetic cells, Toulouse, FR

  • Zan Luthey-Schulten, whole-cell modelling, Urbana, US

  • Roel Boven berg, synthetic biology, DSM-Firmenich, CH

  • Jane Calvert, RRI synthetic biology, Edinburgh, UK